What do you know about root canals? There are a lot of misconceptions that leave people fearful of the treatment, but the procedure is nothing to be afraid of. If you’re feeling uneasy, learning the facts about root canal therapy can be a relief and give you the peace of mind that you need to commit to a procedure that’s necessary to save your tooth. Read on for 4 truths you should know when you’re told that a root canal could be in your future.
1. The Point of a Root Canal is to Treat Infection
The outside of your tooth is made of hard enamel, but the inside is a very soft collection of tissues known as dental pulp. This is where all of the tooth’s nerves and blood vessels are contained. When the enamel is decayed or broken, bacteria can slip into the pulp, causing an infection. Not only is this very painful, but it will not get better on its own; root canal therapy is often the only way to stop the problem without removing the tooth altogether.
2. Antibiotics are No Substitute for Root Canal Therapy
Some people think that they can take antibiotics to take care of an oral infection without having to undergo root canal therapy. Unfortunately, this is an ineffective solution simply due to the nature of the infection in question. The medicine won’t be able to effectively reach the infected tissue inside of the tooth, and thus it will be unable to get to the real root of the problem. This is part of the reason why root canal therapy is necessary in the first place.
3. Root Canal Therapy May Still Be Needed Even if the Pain Stops
Eventually, the pain associated with infected dental pulp may go away. Despite what you may think, though, this is not a sign that your tooth is better. In fact, it’s quite the opposite; it most likely means that the pulp is completely dead and that the infection has spread to the roots of the tooth. At this point, you need to make an appointment with your dentist immediately if you don’t want the damage from the infection to grow any worse.
4. Root Canal Treatment Does Not Cause Pain
The discomfort associated with root canal therapy is actually caused by the infection that the procedure is designed to remove. During the treatment itself, the mouth will be numbed so that you won’t feel anything. Many patients say that it is no worse than having a cavity filled.
Root canal therapy can mean the difference between saving a tooth and losing it. If you’re told that you need this procedure, make sure that you ask your dentist any questions on your mind and clear up any doubts you have before moving forward.
About the Author
Dr. M. Mattson completed a prestigious General Practice Residency in Dentistry at the Naval Hospital of Camp Pendleton, CA. At her current practice, Diamond Dental of Owings Mills, she is proud to offer same-day root canals so that patients can find relief from their toothaches over the course of a single visit. If you are experiencing severe or persistent dental pain and think you might need a root canal to treat it, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mattson by visiting her website or calling (443) 394-2273.